The Scarlet Letter (1995) Review

This is an adaption from novel with same name written by author Nathaniel Hawtorne, where by 1600’s Hester Prynne (Demi Moore), a rich English woman arrives to USA waiting for his husband Roger Prynne (Robert Duvall), while she became friends of a group of ladies leaded  by Harriet Hibbonds (Joan Plowright). Later it’s said Roger had died in USA by fighting native Americans, time by time she fell in love with a man, afterwards she realized he’s Rev. Arthur Dimmesdale (Gary Oldman), they have an affair and she got pregnant, this issue is discovered fastly by village so she’s condemned to wear the letter ‘A’ for adultery, on her complete clothes also to be offended with insults from neighbourhood. However his husband is alive and he survived with the help of native Americans, he creates a plan to find his wife and discovering who’s the biological father by pretending to be Dr Chillingworth, meanwhile Hester went to prison by not to say who’s true father either not to feel guilty about it, Arthur tried to say he’s the father but Hester insisted not to say it she assumes everything and he visits her in prison. Soon Roger has suspicions Arthur is the father, so he dresses as a native American kills a man who seemed to be Arthur when he realized, commites suicide. As time goes on, Hester and her friends go to be hung by being ‘Witches’ so Rev. Arthur appears and admits he’s the father of Pearl suddenly village pits against each other and Hester, Pearl and him escape. They live together as family during ten years more or less, and Arthur lives till Pearl is teenager.

This movie tells problems of that century mixing judge, pretending, adultery, lies, male chauvinist, etc by showing us passion between a woman who falls in love with a man rapidly when she see him to swim in a river, he’s a gentlemen she’s able to see his buff when he talks about religion in the monastery, furthermore she brought books about biology etc and he read them happily. everything seems so credible thank of great interpretations of actors involved in this film and great labour of Roland JoffĂ©, also Joan Plowright gives a trucky, sweet character who breaks evil from people and Roger, costumes are magnific. This film hasn’t got a lot of appreciation so well deserved in part, because in that moment some films like Twelve Monkeys, Seven or Braveheart were premiered also cast of those film helped to focus on that kind of stories, as we know some actors are better rated than other. But if you like to see good; credible, cinema, characters, cinematography take a moment to watch this movie and 135 minutes of duration do fly so fast by entertaining you.


We’re no Angels (1989) thoughts

Ned (Robert De Niro) and Jim (Sean Penn) are two prisoners who escape from jail but they lost their tree ‘partner’ till they went to a village of Arizona and Ned had the idea of acting as they are priests, they simulate to know about it and end in a monastery, as times goes on, Ned felt in love with Molly (Demi Moore) a single mother who has a daughter that is not able to speak, later her daughter can speak and it seems is due to work of Ned and Jim likes being a priest besides Young monk (John C. Reilly) which become great friends so he decided stay in that monastery and Ned goes to live with Molly.

It’s an entertaining film where protagonists pass different obstacles in a great team Sean Penn and Robert De Niro who shares nice chemistry and Demi moore seems worry about her daughter Wallace Shawn and John C. Realy did a fantastic job too perfroming playful characters, directed by great Neil Jordan and written by David Mamet. Don’t lose opportunity to see it.